Meet the Team

Charlotte Bunne


Charlotte Bunne is an assistant professor at EPFL in the Computer Science and Life-Sciences Department. Before, she was a PostDoc at Genentech and Stanford and completed a PhD in Computer Science at ETH Zurich working with Andreas Krause and Marco Cuturi. During her graduate studies, she was a visiting researcher at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard hosted by Anne Carpenter and Shantanu Singh and worked with Stefanie Jegelka at MIT. Charlotte has been a Fellow of the German National Academic Foundation and is recipient of the ETH Medal.

Graduate Students

We are computer scientists, biologists, engineers, mathematicians, machine learners, and more with the common goal of developing machine learning tools for molecular medicine.

Johann Wenckstern

Doctoral Student

Eeshaan Jain

Doctoral Student

Alexander Apostolov

Rotation Student

Siba Smarak Panigrahi

Rotation STUDENT

Kiril Vasilev

Master Student


Karin Gétaz



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Future Student